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Click HERE
To Download Stuffed Photoshop Artwork Template
(Right-click to specify where to download on your hard disk)
keep in mind that these are
PRINTED labels and some shifting occurs:
- Keep
type and required elements WELL WITHIN the masked range.
- Be
sure the background artwork covers the entire square template,
OUTSIDE mask area - filling inside circle and outside of
printable CD area.
1. Provide digital images,
on one CD-ROM, with a dpi of greater than 300. Filetypes should
be layered photoshop files.
2. Please send actual printed sample for color matching. Make
any specific notes directly on proof paper.
3. All fonts on your digital artwork file must be converted
to outlines. We will not accept any files that contain fonts
(unless you include the fonts on your artwork CD.)
Ship printed color proof, artwork, and any supporting files
on one CD to:
Vision Stream Studios, 113 N. Bishop Ave., Clifton Heights,
PA 19018
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