Vision Stream Studios has experience
- Sales & Marketing
- Info-tainment
- News
- Company Profiles
- Corporate Communications
- B-to-B
- Testimonials
- Training
- Recruiting
- Education
- Retail Videos
(How-to's, Exercise, Children's Educational, etc.)
- Translations
- VR Technology
(3D Virtual Imaging)
- And More
We have experienced
producers, directors, talent, scriptwriters, animators,
camera operators, narrators, editors, programmers -
any production staff required.
You may have found
the creative process can seems ambiguous - not with
Vision Stream Studios. We have developed a method to
insure clarity through out the production process. No
hidden costs. No surprise charges. We stand by our quotations.
your Dollars: Put Existing Projects on the Web
Vision Stream Studios has won numerous
awards for video and television production. After creating
a high-quality presentation, it can then be digitized
and put on the web. Your CD-ROM presentations, client
testimonials, TV commercials, stockholders reports,
marketing pieces, new product demos and more can be
archived on the Internet for your customers to review
or employees to utilize. The Internet is also extremely
useful for consistent world wide training.
TV/Video vs. Internet:
Taping and Editing
The very element that makes television
and video exciting is the heart of one of the largest
problems in video streaming with current technology.
Fast paced images, lots of movement and interesting
angles make video and television entertaining no matter
what the message. But all that information is very hard
on a computer because it's the CHANGES in a picture
that make it more complicated to your system...and more
difficult for your computer to clarify. Until higher
bandwidth for everyone and better file compression for
streaming becomes available - the only way to get clear
video on the web is to SHOOT AND EDIT FOR THE WEB.
Vision Stream Studios cost effectively takes your video
or television projects and utilizes your existing materials
and re-edits for the Internet. When we videotape or
film, we optimize the opportunity through capturing
the necessary footage needed for web purposes as well.
Training Video
Training Video
Economy Videotaping & Editing
New Product Demo
Video Testimonials